For babies who peek me here,welcome! Your hellos and coos are very much appreciated.You are making me giggle for listening to my words here.May you have a pleasant stay in this warm little place of mine. Do come back anytime.
About Me
God Has Heard, that is my name or in short Jadyn. I'm the only mom and dad's little princess. The first fil-am grandchild and great grand child of my Filipino family.
As a remembrance for this year's Christmas, mom and her friend Annie decided to have our portrait taken at the studio for a better clearer quality pictures for keeps! Here are our beauties just before we celebrate Christmas! You all have a Prosperous New Year!
I think this toy is cool for it allows me to fish a gem without going anywhere hehe. It is unique in a way that you use the fishing hook in order to get the gem out of the hole and get as many of them in order for me to win. I lose every time I play with mommy but despite of that we both enjoy the game. Watch the video footage of me fishing!
Thank you mommy and daddy for these beautiful Christmas presents you gave me. I love you both always.
... simply beautiful...the best toy I ever got from my good parents! ... can you tell how I love this pink toys I have here ?? ...sleep baby mommy is here...
.... feeding my baby doll with milk... .... a pose with my gem fishing toy from Auntie Lerio
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBUDDY! Sending you warm hugs to each and everyone of you out there who come by this blog today. Sharing you photos of mommy and daddy and my gifts on Christmas Day!!
my dear dada assembling the pink carriage... as you can see I look so anxious in this picture, can't wait for him to finish so I can start pushing my baby
...these are just few of the opened gifts I got from my parents..
.... a nice warm Christmas smile for you out there...
... oh dada, please do it faster will you?? ...almost done... my doll!! ... warm hug from mommy here.. .... during the opening of the presents.. ..... pink stuff and my animal book ... must love animal books eh!
Today marks the very significant day of my existence here on Earth. I've experienced the snowfall with gusty wind of I don't know lolz. At first I was quite hesitant whether I wanna touch the white flakes or just enjoy the moment of being cold and have the flakes landed on my face. It was beyond magical! No exact words to describe how beautiful and fortunate I was to have been able to play outside in a snowy yard.
As of this moment as I'm writing this entry, it still snowing outside and mom plan of bringing me out again after my nap. So here's my snow video guys! Cheers for us people in Texas!
As usual it was nice seeing my grandpa in San Antonio last weekend again. Although I am kind of aloof of him but I guess it only takes a frequent visit to his place then I will be comfortable with my grandpa. How I wish we can see him more often so I can play with my old grandpa and make him happy a little bit.
I know he loves me so much and how he wanted to hug me but he couldn't. He just couldn't do it for I am a little bit scared of him. Daddy tried very hard to take pictures of me, mommy and together with my grandpa as souvenir of our visit to him. dear grandpa, Morgan with Mommy ... three of us in the second picture as you can see I'm trying to resist taking a picture on this one..
Because I don't listen to mommy, this is what I got. I keep spinnin' round and round until I get dizzy and hit myself hard on to something. Cute but so ouch afterwards!
T'was so nice of mommy and daddy today for bringing me to a Filipino-American Christmas party where I met several little girls. Although I wasn't playing with them but I had fun just to meet them and looking at them enjoying each other's company. Mom hope that one day I'll be able to join with them playing. Anyways, it was the biggest crowd I've been in so far of my existence here on Earth. The party was simple get together with plenty of food on the table. I thought mom really liked it there, hmmm... Sharing you guys photos of me in my beautiful black dress again with some other kids I met.
.... few of the little ladies from left to right, Dindin Rhoads, Kyla Muller, Jadyn Sanborn (me) and Kaela Ward ... here is myself and Kyla, mommy thinks we can be good friends when we grow up...
.... me in my beautiful dress in our drive way about to go to the party..
Yesterday wasn't so fun for me. It just it wasn't my day for a portrait at the studio. All three mommies I have mommy Anne, mommy Rose and mommy Annie have done everything they can just to make me smile but nothing they could do as a result of sour look, grimace and pouting pictures. I won't be surprised if the studio photos came out not too sweet to look at for I wasn't smiling at all. Unlike Abby, she smiled and yes she got shots showing her little smiles.
Anyways, I wanna share pictures of me and Abby wearing our beautiful dresses. Tell me what you think of our dress guys? Aren't we cute of our dress on?
I deserve to be applauded for I slept in my bed last night alone. NO mommy, no daddy just me alone. Mom took me for a nap in my bedroom at nine o'clock in the evening, well that's what she thought...but I slept until 2 in the morning...sleep walking for a couple minutes, went to the living room crying then got back beside my bed with feet standing up while my head was dug into my bed. Daddy came to me, tapping me on my back slowly and voila! Everything was so dark and quiet and I went back to sleep. I woke up at 8:15 in the morning in a good mood!
Cheers to the baby who is sooooooo good lately. You bet mom and dad love me so much because of the greatest achievement I've done last night. Kudos to myself to that.
Today, mom had finally found a way to display my lavender room on facebook. She used her mobile phone to take photos of my room resulting to blurry and dark in some parts of the room. Other than that, I have no complain because she got a good shot of my pretty Princess bed. Take a look, here they are! My room is almost done now. All we need to do is to hang some blow up photos of my feet and hands when I was two months old and it will be completely done. What do you think of my room folks?
I'm alive folks! Only I've been getting lazy to update my blog lately. Just here for a quick post on my milestone at 22 months. I turned 22 months last November 16 at 7:35 pm. I just got a time to you know write something here for I am busy doing a mess everywhere.
Anyways, the farthest I have gone is being able to feed myself with a spoon or fork without mommy's help. I don't want her feeding me anymore. I believe I am a big girl now so I have to do it myself and guess what? I can do it right, holding the fork is so easy jamming the food straight to my mouth! When I am done (when I think I am full although food isn't finished yet) I stand up from my high chair and ask mommy to help me get down.
The foods that I so like to eat are broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and or any kinds of vegetables. Aside from that I also love fruits like bananas, apple, grapes and strawberries. If those fruits aren't available, mom would just feed me filipino foods that I also love or she will give me yogurt in the morning too along with rice fish.
At 22 months or before I turned 22, I learned how to put on my own shoes. Although I don't put them in the right foot all the time but at least I develop a sense of " do it myself" thing as I am growing up. Two more months to go and I will be two years old. I wonder if mommy is going to give me a grand birthday celebration just like the first one, we shall see though.
Ok, I am gonna end here for tonight and I hope you guys had a nice and wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for visiting me here, you know who you are!
Hey hey hey! I'm still here. Long time I have not posted anything here I know, pardon me of long absence in blogosphere. Things can get crazy sometimes and there is nothing we can do with that. Anyhow, I am back to post some of the latest captured photos of me during HALLOWEEN- trick or treat night. I stayed at Tita Rose's place for four days at that time because mommy and daddy were so busy moving our stuff out of that little house to our new house.
Goodness gracious I have a very nice Tita to have me over and did the usual routine, Trick-or-Treat. I brought home with lots of chocolates and candies and mom loved it. Here they are, better open your eyes wide now!
......... cute little kitten, aren't I?
...a quick pose in my costume and basket before knocking someone else's house...
...a quick pose with the carved momo pumpkin...
... taking a break, too tiring to walk in the neighborhood tryin' to collect sweet goodies
... me and my Tita.. love you Tita!
..opps poor little kitty beggin' some sweet treats!
... these are mom's bestfriends in Fort Worth, they love me big time! ...ANDD chadaaaaaaaaaa... these are some of the sweet goodies I got from trick or treating! ...two beautiful kittens they lost their mittens and the begun to cry..
At 21 months old, the greatest milestone I've walked is speaking the very first full sentence I came up with which is understandable to both of my parents. Mom was in the bathroom at that time and I was with daddy in the bedroom saying aloud, "Where the BAPO GO?" Bapo' is my own term for PILLOW.
Now when mom hears me asking, where the bapo go/gone? she feels something is tickling inside her just because her baby is now able to speak clearly, at least a sentence in english. I am pretty sure my parents are looking forward to hearing me speak bit by bit. Another milestone I achieved is that I am being polite to my parents. I always say "TAT TYO!" means THANK YOU whenever I'm given milk, food and etc.
I am yet to learn how to say "please" and for that mom tries her best to teach me the word so I can say it eventually. For now that is all I can share here. Gotta go and watch cartoons!
JUst thought of sharing this video of mine doing my stunts. I hope like it guys! By the way, I am 20 months old in this video soon to be 21 months this coming October 16 at 7:35 p.m
Yeppeey! Look what mommy got me today? Disney Princess stuff for me ehh! We went to Walamart today to pick up my stuff that my mom ordered online last week. Here they go! All are so looking nice except for the curtain that doesn't fit in my room's window. We just gonna have to return it and buy another one. I bet mommy can't wait to start painting my room and decorate it with Disney Princess!
The stuff include; bedding set, hamper, sleeper and wall decors
I am so happy today because mommy took me to the park. Everytime she ask if I wanna go to the park I get so excited. I like it there. Lots of children and I can get to ride on ducky, swing and most of all go slide down. Attached is a video of me having a blast sliding down many times. We were at the park for an hour and it wasn't enough. I wish we could stay longer but mommy insisted going home before it gets dark.
Here is what I am up to today. Mom has no idea why I'm this active today. Climbing up and down my dada's desk and in my mommy's chair. As naive as I am, I have no care when I fall down and get hurt, as long as I enjoy what I'm doing, I will go for it.
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye And I love you so and I want you to know That I'll always be right here And I love to sing sweet songs to you Because you are so dear
My Hobbies
Sucking milk from the bottle or playing with my pacifier is what I love to do all the time.
Computer,doing my blog is the second best thing I love to do on Earth.If you were to ask me I choose blogging than watching t.v.