Thursday, April 3, 2008

Proportionate Body Baby

Posted by tx sweetie at Thursday, April 03, 2008

Mom and dad brought me to my pediatrician,Dr.Halpenny today.It is my time now to receive the first 5 doses of different vaccines a baby should have to help fight diseases like influenza,chickenpox,hep B(second time already),pneumococcal,polio,diphtheria,tetanus and pertusis.I took one of those vaccines they gave me orally which was quite easy for me.The 4 others? man it was so painful,I got one injection on my arm,2 on one leg and 1 in the other leg.I cried loud for it was really really painful for me to take.

I now weigh 13 lbs and and an ounce.Towering a height of 23 and 3/4 inches with head circumference of 39 centimeter.My doctor says that my head size doesn't have to do something with my body.Good news is that I am perfectly healthy.I am not fat either.Dr.Halpenny said aloud to my parents that I am proportionate in weight and height.

I am 90% in weight,95% in height and 50% in my head.Very healthy compared to the rest of the children coming to his clinic.He says that my body is keeping up with my height that is why I suck milk a lot which is good.Wewww I am making my parents proud and happy again today for the good news  they received despite of me being fussy when they had their breakfast at the Chinese buffet today.

see my big mouth? gitingal ko sa nurse!
good thing the nurse was so quick with needles.mommy didn't even know it that I already got one needle before she could take a photo of me. this is the second time already when she got the photo.


~~~~~~~~~~Come Sing With Me~~

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear


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